The following are the memories of B.W. Stevenson's many fans and friends.
I guess I would qualify as the first BW fan I've known. Started way back in the late 70's. Now through following eBay sales and searching the internet I've been so fortunate to make contact with many life time BW fans.
I want to strongly encourage any and all BW fans to contribute to this page. A scanned photo would be great! Try to scan at 300 lines per inch if possible. I can reduce these down as necessary. If you have a photograph and can't make a scan e-mail me and we can arrange for you to send me the photo, I'll scan it and then return it to you. I can also scan negatives and slides.
I would like to find a good tape of BW's TV appearance on Austin City Limits. I've tried to contact the show but I keep getting dead air. He was also on American Band Stand. I have found a Christmas video tape that BW has one single on and also sings with the group.
Collin Stevenson

I ran across Collin bidding furiously on a BW album on eBay. Didn't know it was him at the time. Just had to ask what was so important about that BW album that he just had to have it. Well many e-mails later I've convinced Collin to send in a current picture and a few paragraphs about what he has been up to. His picture was taken last January, 2003.
Q:Do you sound like your dad?As far as the voice goes, I have a good voice, but it is nothing like my father's. Nothing like tooting my own horn :) I have never taken formal voice lessons, etc. I play guitar and sing along. In my spare time I write my own songs, but they are always works in progress. I started playing the guitar my third year in college. I play with my girlfriend's dad and uncle at family get togethers, and someday I'll work up the courage to play at an open mic!
Q:What are you doing now professionally?I graduated from the George Washington University with a Bachelor of Business Adminstration and majors in information systems and human resources management in May 2001. Last year I worked at an organization in Washington, DC, devoted to improving higher education. (American Association for Higher Education) The job was not related to my business degree, but with the way the economy was/is . . .
I moved to MA, south of Boston in July. My girlfriend, I met her at school, is from this area. I worked as a teacher's aide for a summer program and traveled in England, Ireland and Italy for a month during August and September. When I retured, I began work on a database/software project for an oil distribution company. The project was finished around Christmas. I still plan to make a Web site for the company, but I need the green light. Since January, I have been teaching guitar lessons. We are moving to Denver in May, so I am actively seeking employment there. That sums up my professions! My goal is to enter the real estate and/or finance industry.
Return to First PagePattie (and "friends")
I encountered Pattie during one of my have-to-have-it eBay shoot outs. I just couldn't fathom there was another person that just had to have that BW album as much as they were bidding! Well a few e-mails later I found out why. Pattie is a die hard BW fan as well as a great fan of BW's contemporaries.

I don't know how it started. I just bought his first album and it took off from there. I followed him around Texas to the extent that I could But I moved away from Texas (to California) in 1976 and didn't come back till 1980, so I missed everything during that time. From 73-76 and after 1980, I saw him most frequently at Poor David's in Dallas. Armadillo in Austin a couple of times, Willie Nelson's Whiskey River in 75, a couple of Kerrville previews. The last time I saw him, in 86, was at Poor David's. There were only about 30 people in the place, but he sang solo and was as great as ever. After that he moved somewhere else (Tennessee? not sure where), and if he ever came back and played here, I didn't know about it. So there were no more chances.
Return to First PageKen Pearson
I used to hang around a couple of bars in Dallas in the early 70's. Where I meet Buckwheat was at "The Annex " located off of Lemon Ave. a couple of miles from Love field airport. Walked in one day about 6:00 for happy hour. Sitting on a stool on the one man stage was Buckwheat. A bear of a man.
Sat down started listening with about 6 other people in the bar. He ran thru a few songs he wrote. Got up walked over to the bar and ordered a beer and a 1/2 lb. Annex Cheeseburger. Started talking to him, asked him about his guitar. He was playing a piece of crap (Nolan), having a hard time keeping it in tune. The key's were worn out. He said his Gibson had been ripped off. I told him I had a few guitars maybe we could work a deal. He was busted he said.
After his happy hour set, toke him back to my house off Mckinny Ave a few blocks from the Annex. Set him up with a 00 Martin I had won from a shyster at the golf course a few months' prior. The neck had been split on one side of the keys. Clamped and glued it together, worked like a champ for Buckwheat for many years. Once he started making some money he bought a mint Martin. Never saw a dollar for that old Martin. No big deal. It's as Farron Young stated; "The only things you get to take with you when you depart this world, are the things you gave away."
Return to First PageJim Hardy

I found it very interesting how you came to find Buck. As for myself, I played the PGA Tour from '68-'75 , and my financial supporters were from Killen TX. They turned me on to B W Stevenson '72 when it first came out. I bought his albums as they were released but unfortunately on 8 track. I used to drive the Tour all across the country with the windows rolled down and Buck wailin at full volume. Needless to say, the 8 tracks were lost long ago, and I, like you, have recently started trying to find his music again. It brings back tremendous memories of a very free and uncomplicated time in my life. And I might add, it still sounds exactly the way I remembered it.
Return to First PageSusan Smith
I met Buck in '79 and hung out with him for a few years. We met again in 86, and then shortly before he died in 88. To put it bluntly, I guess, he stole my heart way back when and I miss him dearly. His trials and tribulations with the recording industry were great, and I learned from him just how predatory and soul-sucking the music biz can be. It's inspired me to continue to work with musicians and song writers via the SIMS Foundation in hopes that others don't have to go through what he did.
Return to First PagePhil Patton
Actually I was in the service with Chuck "BW". We were in the Air Force working on the Titan II missiles. I knew Chuck well. He and I were roommates. I have a group picture of him. It's a graduation picture from our training in Sheppard Air Force base.
I do have several good "war stories" about chuck. I'll say this all the time he was in the Air Force he kept saying he was going to make it. He said it was like a roller coaster. He's been going up hill so long that the once he reaches the top it will be smooth sailing.
Return to First PageBrian Burns

I met B.W. backstage at Willie Nelson's FarmAid II concert in Manor, TX in 1986. A mutual friend, Willie Nelson's stage manager, Poodie Locke grabbed me and said he was going to introduce me to a friend. As we approached a group of four or five people, Poodie announced, "Brian Burns, B.W. Stevenson". I searched the group looking for the giant, bearded singer I'd seen on album covers... listening for the resonant, booming voice - but to my surprise, a short, soft-spoken, clean-shaven little fellow put his hand out and said bashfully, "hey, Brian." To make light of the dazed look on my face, I quickly commented, "you've shrunk - and where's your beard?" B.W. grabbed his face and replied, "is it GONE?"
Buckwheat and I quickly established a friendship that would last until his untimely demise a few years later. I had the honor of performing with Buck on a number of occasions, and his musical talent, his impeccably dry sense of humor, and his laid-back demeanor made for some great times. I stayed in phone contact with Buck throughout his hospitalization in Nashville. I think of him often, and sometimes I imagine him walking on stage some night where I'm playing and picking a few. Wish he could. Miss ya, Buckwheat!
Return to First PageJC Wells
Ran across your site and am really glad someone's paying some tribute to BW. Saw him many times in Houston and Austin in the 70's. Saw him last at a little place in Houston just about a year before he died. I took a couple of the old albums with me that time and asked him to sign them, which he gladly did. So glad I did that. They are a couple of my treasures. Still have a couple of old ticket stubs somewhere as well.
I'm a potter in Tulsa. Grew up in Houston, moved here in 89. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for putting up the page for BW.
Return to First PageEddie Wilson
I used to have a music venue in Austin, Texas, called Armadillo World Headquarters. B.W. used to play there a lot. I'm working on a book about the 'dillo era and am delighted to discover your interest. I have some great posters and photos of Buckwheat. My favorite photo is by Nancy Goldfarb. It captures a grinning pair of opposites; Buck and Freddie King. My favorite poster is by Ken Featherston of Buck in the cab of an old, doorless pickup truck with Kenneth Threadgill sitting on the running board. Check out two of my sites: Armadillo World Headquarters and Threadgill's and you'll get a lot of the flavor of B.W.'s heyday in Austin.
Return to First PageJames "Jimmy" Mulliniks-Beavers
It's funny at the time I was a teenager about to break into my twenties, (was) the first time I ever heard of BW Stevenson. My cousin who was folk music progressive country fanatic in the seventies was playing a song called "Say What I feel" on the guitar at his house when I happened to be over there.
I was swept away by the Lyrics and when he played the album: I was swept away by this voice that could be so expressive and then sound like a powerhouse. I was hooked.
I was lucky enough to see him a couple of times over the years , once at a club called Faces on Cedar Springs in Dallas where I sat next to this guy with a funny hat on, talked about how good BW was, drank a few beers reached out my hand and introduced myself, he in turn introduced himself as Rusty Wier and once at Poor David's.
The impact that BW Stevenson has had on my musical tastes has been enormous...I write music as a pastime, and although I know it's kinda "musical suicide" to do this I keep using BW's music as a goal to compare to....His impact on writer/performers has long been overlooked.
Return to First PageD'Ann Yocum
The first time I saw "Buck Wheat" was at the Rubaiyat in Dallas, Texas around 1969 or 1970. He played there the same night as "Three Faces West" (Ray Hubbard, Rick Fowler and Wayne Kidd). To the best of my memory, the Rubaiyat only had one bathroom with one toilet in it. We ran out of toilet paper and Buck Wheat saved the day by running through the crowd with a roll raised high on his finger.
He was a sweet, lovable man.
Return to First PageGael Montana
I met Chuck at the Rubiyat in Dallas way back when. He played there regularly, and we'd all pick around together after the show at various folks homes and some clubs, including VI's on Oak Lawn and Mother Blues (which was really new, then).
In Austin he was a regular all over the place. The last time I saw him he was playing a street concert/fair on Congress (I think). That was before 6th St. was the 'hip' theme park thing it is now, so I know it wasn't there. I miss the sweetness in his music . Seems like most folks have become too 'cool' to sing with the kindness he couldn't help but project.
Milton C. and I sat on my porch on San Gabriel many nights until morning singing those old songs, and making up quite a few of our own. Time and the river. Guess we'll see him on the other side of this life, as Fred would say.
Return to First PageBill Krohn
I first heard of BW through My Maria, in the fall of 1973. was 21, single and living in town, and buying a lot of 45s (albums too). I always liked the 45s because I could try out different kinds of music and not spend a whole lot. Of course, I always flipped the single to hear the B side, and My Maria became a keeper because of August Evening Lady.
My best friend and I shared a mobile home, and his stereo was set up in the living room. There were two swivel rocker chairs there and one night after a late night at the bars thing, I came home and put on August Evening Lady, put my swivel rocker in between the speakers and had my last smoke and drink for the night.
I fell in love with that song right then, relaxing and rockin' till dawn as it mellowed me out. The way the mandolins start on one side and travel to the other speaker after the instrumental break just won me over. The credits on the label told me it was from an lp titled Lead Free, so the next week I special ordered it from the record shop I frequented. It wasn't long before I fell in love with the whole album Lead Free. It is still my favorite today.
I eventually found all his albums, some as they came out, others in used stores. Funnily enough, My Maria was the last one on RCA I ever bought. It took some digging before I found Lifeline, and what a surprise Rainbow Down The Road's release was.
Bill Krohn has been a long time supporter/provider of my search for BW vinyl.
Return to First PageMike Crow / KTFW Station Manager

The Annex is where I first saw BW, Charlie who had Charlie's Guitar was bartending there and told me to hang around one afternoon and listen to BW, glad I did. The next time I saw him he was opening up the show for Waylon Jennings at Dallas' Memorial Auditorium, I wish I could remember what year that was?? 72-73? Anyway he was awsome and I became a die hard Buckwheat fan. We used to head down to Austin and would see him from time to time at The Armadillo World Headquarters. I caught a few of his shows at Willie's Whiskey River Club in Dallas and at Willies picnic at Liberty Hill.
OK, too many memories are coming back, I'm gettin' dizzy. BW was the best, I miss him.
Return to First PageShirley McDonald

I went to school with B.W. I dated his best friend (and singing partner at the time), briefly. I used to hear him sing every Saturday night at a little coffee house in Oak Cliff in a Presbyterian church. The name of it slips my mind, at present.
Chuck graduated from high school in 1967. It was W. H. Adamson High School in Dallas (Oak Cliff). I graduated a year after him. His best friend and singing partner, was Arthur Gentry. Arthur now goes by the nick name of Mike and lives in Denton. I heard of Chuck's death before Arthur and I contacted him. Arthur, being a preacher, was asked to preach his funeral. I attended it as did many of our classmates.
Return to First PageEmily Patterson

This is a pic of BW and me, circa 1980-81...he was playing in a bar here in Odessa, Texas. I was a huge fan, and had been playing his songs on my guitar. We became friends, and over the next few years, we hung out when we could.
BW was a quiet, introspective man, and he was very respectful of anyone he met. I was just a dumb kid, 20 years old or so when I met him, but he listened to me, and let me play his guitar, and he schooled me some on his songs.
I personally bought a new stereo a few years ago that had a turntable, and I've found nearly all his work on LP over the internet.
The man was an inspiration, is all I can say.
Best of luck, Emily (Gebel) Patterson
Return to First PageMike O'Donnell
My folks divorced in about 1971 and in August 1972 I decided to move to Houston to live with my mom who had moved there from Austin. My dad was driving me down there to drop me off, it was an emotional time. We were somewhere near Cy-Fair and all I could hear on the radio was some station that was starting to fade.. the last song I could pick out was "On My Own".
It hit me really hard, I didn't know who it was singing, but it struck some sort of responsive chord within me. I headed to the mall the first chance I got and rifled through every album until I found B W Stevenson in among the racks. I bought the album and listened over and over. A year and a half later I moved back to Austin, 1974.
It was on my birthday that year that BW opened for the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band in the Auditorium, that was my first live concert. I saw him probably a dozen or more times after that including Willie's Gonzales 4th of July picnic, the one that was cut short from three days to one because the farmers complained the music would keep the chickens awake!
I have every album he made. Last year I compiled my Top 100 favorite songs and burned them to CD. BW has seven songs on that list, more than any other artist
Return to First PageDon Smith

I became a huge fan of B.W. Stevenson ever since I was exposed to his music in the early 70's. Songs such as "Say What I Feel," "On My Own," "Jerry's Bar & Grill", "Lucky Touch" and so many others had a very deep and lasting effect on me. I still grieve the loss of this talented singer/songwriter and can just imagine all the great music we would all be enjoying if Buck was still with us today.
I often wish I had been able to see Buck perform, like many on this site, because I feel a kinship with Buck because of the way his music has touched me over the years.
I have yet to find someone whose music means as much to me as Buckwheat's. Maybe that is the way it should be. I miss you Buck,
Don Smith
Return to First PageSpecial Mention
I have to add that there have been a few BW fans that have contributed to this growing web site. Murray Shektman is one. Murray has donated the picture of BW standing out on a dry lake bed.
Thanks Murray!